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Gloomy Days and How to get over it

The last few days have been a mix of ups and downs. The weather playing a pivot role in the switch of moods for the day. Mumbai has seen the usual unpredictable monsoons this year and the gloomy days have been a signature of sorts. Every year the monsoons (winter in the western and snow covered nations) bring about a period where it is a little difficult to keep the moods up and running. With a substantial drop in the work assignments, it is a period one tends to loose focus, feel depressed and start worrying about how to make it forward.

For professionals this is THE phase to look back on the year, work out a plan of improvement, learn new skills and practice the art and master new skills. I'm not limiting the retrospection to this period, it surely goes around each and every moment, however this phase is an opportunity for the creatives to experiment and chance without being enslaved by deadlines and targets. A time to let the artist mind take over the professional acumen at its fullest.

As a content creator I recommend 7 commandments

1. Create Content Everyday : Its a simple exercise to be able to create awesome stuff, you have to keep creating something, anything everyday, Practice makes everyone perfect

2. Get involved in the process to evaluate your portfolio: You are your best and worst critic, look at your works from the other side, detach yourself from being a creator and think about the value it creates from the viewers perception.

3. Network with fellow creators: Free times are the best times to check out on fellow creators, go out for a coffee or diner , or just plan a quick skype call with your acquaintances.

4. Build your portfolio : Your portfolio is never complete but it has to be the best of your works so far, pen down where you see yourself so far and what would you like to have in your profile. Build-create-showcase

5. Blog/ Vlog - Write a blog or maintain a video log of your progress, it feels great to see these documentation evidences when your chips are down. If you have made it so far, you can do far better.

6. Make Creative Projects- It is essential that you keep creating projects that originate from your thoughts, these are your personal projects with zero commercial intentions however they are the ones that sharpen your skill sets. I take up a personal creative project every month.

7. Maintain Relationships- We creatives cherish our solitude however this is one of our biggest downfalls. Go reach out to family and friends, have an evening or two to recreate. A relax mind is better prepared to be creative.

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